What is the POLARIS-AD study?

The POLARIS-AD clinical research study is for people who have early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. The study will test a new investigational medication to learn if it can slow or reverse early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Who can join the POLARIS-AD study?

Study participants may be able to join the study if they meet the following requirements:

Other study requirements will apply.

See if you may qualify

What will happen during the study?

Participation in the POLARIS-AD study lasts for up to 2 years. Study participants can expect the following:

1. Review & Sign the Informed Consent Form

2. Screening Period (up to 6 weeks):

3. Study Drug Period (1 year):

4. Study Extension Period (1 year):

5. Follow-up Period (1 month):

Participation in a clinical study is voluntary. You can ask any questions you have and may leave the study at any time, for any reason.